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Cookie policy

Data Controller

The Controller of personal data is CHEMISERVICE srl, Via Vecchia Ospedale, str. priv. 11 Monopoli – 70043 (BA), VAT number 04262080726.

CHEMISERVICE srl and in this statement identify the same thing.

Data processor

The institution CHEMISERVICE srl, Via Vecchia Ospedale, str. priv. 11 Monopoli – 70043 (BA), VAT number 04262080726, has been designated as Data Processor.
For any clarification, question or requirement related to your privacy and processing of your personal data, you can contact the Data Processor at any time by sending an email to inserting “Privacy” as object.

Information about cookies

Which cookies

In line with the standard practices of many websites, www.chemiservice.comcould install and access cookies, web beacons, Flash cookies and other technologies on the computer used by the user.

By using, the user accepts the use of cookies.

Below is a list of third-party cookies, being all other technical cookies, that can store on yours computer to provide products, information, data and deliver services. It is compiled in accordance with regulation no. 229 of 8 May 2014, point 2, of the Privacy Guarantor.

L’utente può negare il consenso all’utilizzo dei dati personali per tutti o alcuni dei cookie appartenenti alla lista, visitando il sito web IAB Italy.
Si prega di notare che quando Lei visita il Sito, terze parti quali reti pubblicitarie, agenzie pubblicitarie, inserzionisti e fornitori di segmenti per il pubblico, potranno impostare ed accedere a cookie, web beacon, Flash cookie e altre tecnologie sul Suo computer.

First-party cookies

We can send cookies to your device via our Website. The cookies of that we send are defined here first-party cookies. First-party cookies are cookies that belong to the site that created them. The use of these cookies allows us to operate the Website efficiently and provide our services.
In this Site all first-party cookies, none excluded, are technical cookies. It is possible to modify or delete these cookies through the navigation browser in use following the instructions provided in the guide of your browser. The guides to some of the most common browsers are found at the following addresses: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple SafariMicrosoft Windows Explorer e Microsoft Edge.

Third-party cookies

We also allow third parties to send cookies to your device. The difference between a first-party cookie and a third-party cookie concerns the control by the subject sending the cookie. Even if we allow third parties to access the site to send cookies to the user’s device, we do not have control over the information provided by cookies and we do not have access to such data.

Some third-party cookies, appropriately shown in the table, are statistical cookies. They collect information on how to use the website by the user, for example: which pages are visited and the errors that can be found. These cookies are used to help us improve the functioning of the site and understand the interests of users.
In conclusion, we need them to: obtain statistics on how to use the site; contribute to the improvement of the Site by measuring any errors that occur.

In the cases duly indicated in the table, it is about cookies used directly in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of surfing the web. These cookies are called profiling cookies and can be provided via our website exclusively by third parties. These cookies include those to perform commonly called remarketing calls. Companies that offer or advertise their products through this site may assign cookies to users’ terminals. The categories of cookies used and the type of processing of personal data by these companies are regulated in accordance with the information provided by these companies.

The user, for all or some cookies, all of third parties, can refuse consent to the use of his personal data by visiting the IAB Italy website. Eventually you will still receive advertisements that are not tailored to your personal interests.

The user can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing on his browser the opt-out component provided by Google. To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:

You can at any time choose to disable or delete third-party cookies directly in the navigation browser in use following the instructions provided in the guide of your browser. The guides to some of the most common browsers are at the following addresses: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple SafariMicrosoft Windows Explorer e Microsoft Edge.

Through the information and tools indicated in this Cookie Policy it is therefore possible to disable, cancel or deny consent to the use of any cookies.

Deepening on Cookies

Cookies are small fragments of information stored in files within the user’s browser. Websites can only access cookies that have stored on your computer. For example, if Google stores a cookie on your browser, Google will be able to access your cookie, but not to that of a different company. may use cookies for the following purposes:

  • to recognize that your browser has already visited the Site, and to record and remember any preferences that may have been set while your browser has visited the Site. For example, could save your login information, if they exist, so that the user does not have to log in every time he accesses the site;
  • to customize the contents and advertising that the user views on the web;
  • to measure and research the effectiveness of interactive online content, features, advertising and other communications;
  • for remarketing activities;
  • for profiling activities;
  • to analyze the Site and its use, to improve the services of the Site.

Web Beacon could use web beacons (also called transparent GIFs, web bugs, pixels or action tags). These technologies are strings of code that provide a small graphic image on a web page or in an e-mail. Web beacons can recognize certain types of information on the user’s computer, such as cookies, the time and day when a page is displayed and a description of the page in which the web beacon is placed. In general, any file transmitted as part of a web page can be used as a web beacon.

Third parties may use web beacons on the Website to receive control, search and reporting information or to understand the interests of the user and select and publish advertisements in line with your interests.

These cookies are possibly indicated in the table.

Flash cookie

Some of the third-party partners of the Site may use Flash cookies, otherwise known as locally shared objects (LSOs). They are used to identify interests through the articles they consult and, more generally, to track user behavior in different ways. LSOs store collections of data similar to cookies stored in a folder on the user’s computer and are installed through the video viewer Adobe Flash.

These cookies will eventually be indicated in the table.

Exclusion options

For certain cookies, you can set the relative exclusion cookie by visiting the Website and following the instructions provided therein.

Please note that even if you exercise your right to object, you may still receive advertisements, even if no more ads tailored to your interests.

If you should delete cookies in the future, will have to exercise the right of opposition again. You will have to exercise your right to object again even if you use a different browser.

The user can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing on his browser the opt-out component provided by Google. To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:

It can also manage cookies directly through the browser controls in use. For more information on how to delete and control cookies from your brower, please contact the following addresses: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple SafariMicrosoft Windows Explorer e Microsoft Edge.

For more information, please consult the IAB Italy and the Adobe Flash website.

Through the information and tools indicated in this Cookie Policy it is therefore possible to disable, cancel or deny consent to the use of any cookies.

Further information on data processing

For further information on the processing of personal data, please refer to the Website Privacy Policy at this address:

The use of cookies and the compilation of this Cookie Policy are carried out in compliance with the relative provision n. 229 of 8 May 2014 of the Privacy Guarantor.


The Laboratory holds certifications, accreditations, recognitions, and authorisations from prestigious and authoritative national and international bodies.

Analysis on oils from olives

We carry out analysis for the merchological classification of oils, for the assessment of conformity with legislation and for reliable labelling.

Fat subastances analysis

We monitor contaminants and investigate the product profile, quality, authenticity, nutritional and health contents of fatty substances.

Food product analysis

We carry out specific analysis on food products and offer technical, systematic and rational support in the implementation of self-control.

Microbiological analysis and molecular biology

We check the hygiene and safety of food for human or animal consumption, water, cosmetics, work surfaces and air.

Enviromental analysis

We analyse domestic and urban water, air, soils, waste, massive and airborne asbestos, industrial and craft processing waste.

Haccp consultancy

Training, drafting of self-control plans, monitoring of their implementation, chemical and microbiological analysis necessary for business security and development.


We offer to small and large, private and pubblic customers, analytical services in chemistry and microbiology, consulting and support for the food, environmental, industrial, and cosmetic sectors. to small and large, private, and public customers


Policy regarding the issuing of Test Reports.

EA Resolutions related to changes of test reports (May 2014)

ACCREDIA Resolutions relating to changes in test reports (April 2015)

Information: from the request for quotation to the start of analysis